Jürg P. Keller

Prof. Dr.
Jürg P. Keller
Senior Scientist
Incorporate 'intelligence' into dynamic system is a highly motivating task. NCCR offers a great chance to develop new solutions in data based control.
Jürg Keller is Professor for Control, Image Processing and Machine Learning at the University of Applied Science Northwestern Switzerland. He obtained his PhD degree in Control Systems from the ETH, Zürich in 1989. From 1989 to 1990 he had the opportunity to do a postdoc at the Australian National University with B.D.O. Anderson. From 1990 to 1995 he was automation engineer at Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, where he developped modern concepts for automation of flexible pharmaceutical plants. After 1995 he build up the institute of automation. His research is focused on data-based plant control and optimization. He was president of the IFAC national member organization, SGA from 2005 - 2019.