Michele Marazzi

Michele Marazzi
The complexity of cybersecurity attacks is rising every year. To tackle the massive amount of broad attacks, the next logical step is to exploit automation. NCCR gives the opportunity to gather feedbacks and ideas outside the bubble of security researchers.
I am a PhD student at Computer Security Group, where my current research is about DRAM security. My interests span very different areas, such as microarchitectural attacks, reverse engineering, APT and software vulnerabilities, just to name a few.
My background is in Electronics Engineering and Biomedical engineering, with specialization in bioelectronics. I graduated from my Master in Dec. 2018, with the thesis “Lower-limb non-invasive sensory neuroprosthesis: real-time data visualization and calibration” and with a GPA of 3.97/4.
Other than computers, I don’t only enjoy food – as a brave Italian – but also climbing and various types of art. You might spot me drinking coffee around.