Sanjay Chandrasekaran

It is often said that in theory, theory and practice are equivalent, but in practice, they are not. This is certainly not true at NCCR Automation. Scientists at NCCR Automation not only produce exceptional theoretical breakthroughs, but ensure that they are well translatable to practice.
Sanjay Chandrasekaran obtained his Bachelor of Technology (Honors) in Instrumentation & Control Engineering and Master of Science in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India and ETH Zürich in 2021 and 2023, respectively. He completed his master thesis at the Automatic Control Laboratory (IFA), wherein he designed recommender systems from a control theoretic perspective. After briefly working as a scientific assistant at IFA, he now works as a research assistant at the Institute of Electric Power Systems, FHNW and Ph.D. student at IFA, ETH Zurich, co-supervised by Prof. Dr. Florian Dörfler and Prof. Dr. Silvia Mastellone. He is currently working on the NCCR Automation project "System Identification & Adaptive Control of Interconnected Systems". His research interests include network control systems, optimization-based control and algorithmic systems theory.