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13 Gennaio 2025
Congratulations to Ezzat Elokda who has been presented with the Young Author Award at the 5th IFAC Workshop on Cyber-Physical and Human Systems (CPHS) for his paper "To Travel Quickly or to Park Conveniently: Coupled Resource Allocations with Multi-Karma Economies"
11 Dicembre 2024
Timothy Asare and Goodnews Iduku, who will be among the first students to graduate from the joint Ashesi-ETH Master's in Mechatronic Engineering, visited us for two weeks earlier this autumn. Together, they are setting up an optimisation framework for a renewable energy grid at the Ashesi University campus, supervised by Varsha Behrunani and John Lygeros.
21 Maggio 2024
Il primo evento per i soci di Reallabor Sisslerfeld si è svolto di recente e ha riunito oltre 50 soggetti interessati provenienti dall'industria, dalla scienza, dalle organizzazioni regionali e sovraregionali e dai rappresentanti politici dei comuni e del Cantone di Argovia. Il workshop mirava a formulare obiettivi di collaborazione e innovazione nel campo dello sviluppo urbano sostenibile e a scambiare le prime idee concrete.
23 Dicembre 2021
As part of the Bench2Biz workshops, a team led by Carlo Cenedese explored his research results for commercialization potential. There, Carlo gained insights from various different viewpoints and benefitted from honest feedback within a safe environment from which he could potentially launch his entrepreneurial career.
17 Dicembre 2021
The first Junior Retreat was organised in October 2021 in the Congress Hotel Seepark in Thun. It was the occasion for most of our PhD students and Postdocs to meet physically for the first time. This was a successful event organised by their peers. All researchers are looking forward next year!
26 Novembre 2021
In the last week of November, the first Site Visit of the NCCR Automation by the SNSF and the external Review Panel took place. Overall it was a very successful and fruitful event, resulting in plenty of food for thought for us.
15 Ottobre 2021
Traditional control schemes rely on mathematical knowledge of the system they control. Yet this knowledge is not always available – for example, when the system is very complex. Researchers of the EPFL and the NCCR Automation have developed a novel scheme that effectively controls systems based on measured data alone – even when the data is inaccurate.
14 Ottobre 2021
Researchers of the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Automation, led by Alessandro Zanardi of ETH Zurich, have investigated how autonomous vehicles could become better road users in an urban environment. The result is both surprisingly simple and complex at the same time.
14 Ottobre 2021
Naomi Stricker is in the third year of her PhD at the Computer Engineering Group at ETH Zurich, in which she focuses on making energy harvesting systems more robust and able to communicate and collaborate. Her research could help do anything from heating buildings more efficiently to monitoring air quality.
14 Ottobre 2021
Mahsa Rahimi-Siegrist is a doctoral student and research assistant at the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems at ETH Zurich and a member of the NCCR Automation. She is interested in the behavior of public transport passengers and works on improving information strategies to increase the quality of transport services.
14 Ottobre 2021
Swiss electricity generation has a very low carbon footprint. However, this is often not the case for imports. Researchers from the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Automation, led by Loris di Natale from EMPA, investigated how electric cars could help reduce the need for energy imports from fossil fuels.
10 Giugno 2021
Pengbo Zhu is a first year PhD researcher who joined the National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) Automation last October. With the help of intelligent systems, she works on improving the spatial distribution of shared vehicles. In doing so, Zhu hopes to positively impact quality of life in cities around the world.