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Fünf Studierende des Masterstudiengangs "Energy Science and Technologie" der ETH Zürich haben letzte Woche die Arbeit an einer Fallstudie zum Sisslerfeld aufgenommen. Die Frage, wie sich die Arbeitszone Sisslerfeld mit seinen angrenzenden Gemeinden bis ins Jahr 2040 energetisch CO2-neutral selbst versorgen könnte, wird sie über zwei Semester bis in den Sommer 2023 beschäftigen.
Zürich, 27. Januar 2021. Der neue Nationale Forschungsschwerpunkt (NFS) «Zuverlässige allgegenwärtige Automatisierung» ist gestartet – mit der Vision, die Schweiz als einen der weltweit führenden Hubs für Forschung, Bildung und Innovation in der Automatisierungs- und Steuerungstechnik zu stärken.
In this episode Manfred Morari traces his journey from chemical process control to IMC, robust and predictive control, MPC, and lessons from a career spanning ETH Zürich, University of Minnesota, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Caltech and University of Pennsylvania. From theory to real-world impact, this episode is a must-listen for any control enthusiast!
We are happy to welcome the first of our fellowship winners from 2024's call. Our fellows will be arriving throughout the spring and staying with us for a period of up to six months.
Researcher Sophie Hall recently spoke to Richard Delevan on the Wicked Problems podcast about the need to democratise the algorithms in our lives. Give it a listen in the link below.
New episode! 🎙️ Today, we dive into Richard Bellman’s legacy as the father of dynamic programming. 🧠 From his early life in Brooklyn to Princeton, Los Alamos, RAND, and Stanford, we explore his monumental contributions to control theory, which set the stage for modern AI breakthroughs!
Congratulations to Ezzat Elokda who has been presented with the Young Author Award at the 5th IFAC Workshop on Cyber-Physical and Human Systems (CPHS) for his paper "To Travel Quickly or to Park Conveniently: Coupled Resource Allocations with Multi-Karma Economies"