Diversity leads to constructive collaboration and an equal society. With its efforts for equal opportunities, the NCCR Automation not only aims at its own organization, but also wants to use automation as an opportunity to promote equality in society.

Our commitment
The NCCR Automation believes in the value of equity and diversity as contributors to a constructive, creative and productive work environment and society.
With this vision we are committed to:
- Promote the understanding of the importance of diverse working groups
- Support equal opportunity initiatives in education from high school to University
- Promote social equity through innovation in automation science and technology for transportation, energy and manufacturing systems
- Provide students and young researchers with opportunities for personal and professional development

Our measures
Our strategy encompasses internal medium-term initiatives, to support young researchers and students, and external long-term initiatives dedicated to fostering equality in the broader society:
- Policy: promote a diverse and flexible work and study environment
- Professional development and career opportunity program: workshops will be offered to present role models and insights on career options and development. Additionally, mentoring and career advice service will provide dedicated support.
- Funding programs: including international and internal exchanges during the study and research period
- Family support program: including flexibility grants for helping researchers to reconcile their research activities and academic career with care duties, childcare support for attending conferences, and paternity leave
The strategy is defined to support and engage diverse research and work groups to participate in and enrich the Automation community across academia and industry.