Welcome to the fellowship holders joining us in March

03 Marzo 2025
In addition to the 14 new people we welcomed in February, we have five new people joining us in March
Photo of group work
Photo of Laura
Laura Boca de Giuli Is a PhD student working in Melanie Zeilinger's group. Her research interests include physics-informed machine learning, model predictive control, and lifelong learning.
Picture of Yu Tang
Yu Tang is a PhD student working in John Lygeros' group. His work applies control theory, learning theory and stochastic processes to design resilient and safe cyber-physical-human systems, especially with an emphasis on intelligent transportation systems
Picture of Federico Porcari
Federico Porcari is a PhD student working in Florian Dörfler's group. His research interests are in data-driven control and system theory applied to explainable system identification and control. 
Photo of Haoyang Zhang
Haoyang Zhang is a PhD student working in Philipp Heer's group. He works on market power simulation in the local energy markets with multi-agent reinforcement learning


place holder

Also joining us in March is Vijeth Hebbar, who is working in Maryam Kamgarpour's group.