Alisa Rupenyan

Alisa Rupenyan
Alisa Rupenyan
I’m excited about interdisciplinary research connecting machine learning and control theory, and opportunities for impact in major application domains.

Alisa Rupenyan is a senior scientist at the Automatic Control Lab at ETH Zurich and Head of the Advanced Control and IoT group at Inspire, the technology transfer organization at ETH Zurich. She leads research projects in the intersection between process optimization, industrial control, and machine learning for applications strongly connected to manufacturing.

Previously, she led the application development in the Zurich-​based startup Qualysense AG for fast grain-​sorting robots using machine learning techniques for high-​dimensional data. Her Ph.D. is in the field of time-​resolved laser spectroscopy from the Vrije Universteit Amsterdam (2009) and her MSc degree is in Laser Physics from the University of Sofia. 

Scientific Publications

Autonomous and data-efficient optimization of turning processes using expert knowledge and transfer learning
Journal of Materials Processing Technology
Vol 303 Pages 117540
Sequential Quadratic Programming-based Iterative Learning Control for Nonlinear Systems
Stress flow guided non-planar print trajectory optimization for additive manufacturing of anisotropic polymers
Additive Manufacturing
Meta-Learning Priors for Safe Bayesian Optimization
Proceedings of The 6th Conference on Robot Learning
Pages 205-237
Efficient sample selection for safe learning
Drone-based Volume Estimation in Indoor Environments
IFAC World Congress 2023
Information-Operation Technology Integration in Industrial Cyberphysical Systems
Vol 55 No 11 Pages 115-118
Data-Driven Process Optimization of Fused Filament Fabrication based on In Situ Measurements
Controller-Aware Dynamic Network Management for Industry 4.0
IECON 2022 – 48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
In-layer Thermal Control of a Multi-layer Selective Laser Melting Process
2022 European Control Conference (ECC)
Pages 1678 - 1683
On Robustness in Optimization-Based Constrained Iterative Learning Control
IEEE Control Systems Letters
Vol 6 Pages 2846-2851
Safety-Aware Cascade Controller Tuning Using Constrained Bayesian Optimization
EEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
Learning-Based Repetitive Precision Motion Control with Mismatch Compensation
60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2021)
Pages 3605-3610
Performance-based Trajectory Optimization for Path Following Control Using Bayesian Optimization
2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
Pages 2116-2121
to Appear
Batch Model Predictive Control for Selective Laser Melting
2022 European Control Conference (ECC)
Plasma Spray Process Parameters Configuration using Sample-efficient Batch Bayesian Optimization
IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)
Safe and Efficient Model-free Adaptive Control via Bayesian Optimization
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2021)

Research projects

Principal Investigators

Data-assisted model predictive control with applications to industrial processes


Manufacturing tasks are often repetitive, involving the same processing steps being repeated over and over to produce identical parts. This makes them well suited for data driven methods that exploit repetition, like the ones developed for autonomous racing. This project addresses deploying the data-assisted predictive control methods in manufacturing applications. The resulting optimisation problems are often of formidable complexity, making them challenging to solve in real time. This calls for efficient solution methods that inherit the stability and performance guarantees of the predictive control design even when the search for the optimal solution has to be terminated prematurely.

Data-assisted model predictive control with applications to industrial processes

Manufacturing tasks are often repetitive, involving the same processing steps being repeated over and over to produce identical parts. This makes them well suited for data driven methods that exploit repetition, like the ones developed for autonomous racing. This project addresses deploying the data-assisted predictive control methods in manufacturing applications. The resulting optimisation problems are often of formidable complexity, making them challenging to solve in real time. This calls for efficient solution methods that inherit the stability and performance guarantees of the predictive control design even when the search for the optimal solution has to be terminated prematurely.


Predictive Control for Additive Manufacturing


Selective laser melting is an additive manufacturing technology that uses a laser to melt powdered metal into a solid structure based on a sliced 3D CAD model. Currently, such processes are only controlled by setting the process parameters and set points in advance, following multiple process optimisation trials. In this project, process parameters will be optimized with a data-driven closed loop control approach, based on combination of predictive and iterative learning control.

Predictive Control for Additive Manufacturing

Selective laser melting is an additive manufacturing technology that uses a laser to melt powdered metal into a solid structure based on a sliced 3D CAD model. Currently, such processes are only controlled by setting the process parameters and set points in advance, following multiple process optimisation trials. In this project, process parameters will be optimized with a data-driven closed loop control approach, based on combination of predictive and iterative learning control.


Framework for industrial control of CPS


This project is focused on the development of a data-driven framework for self-maintenance and self-optimization for autonomous (robot-assisted) manufacturing. The framework will be characterized by three main components:

  1. Sensing and data processing
  2. Detection of faults and warnings using the extracted features 
  3. Process control and optimization (maintaining safety, optimizing performance

The acquired process data will be used to optimise the manufacturing process by optimising trajectories of the assisting robots, and process parameters, to improve manufacturing productivity.

Framework for industrial control of CPS

This project is focused on the development of a data-driven framework for self-maintenance and self-optimization for autonomous (robot-assisted) manufacturing. The framework will be characterized by three main components:

  1. Sensing and data processing
  2. Detection of faults and warnings using the extracted features 
  3. Process control and optimization (maintaining safety, optimizing performance

The acquired process data will be used to optimise the manufacturing process by optimising trajectories of the assisting robots, and process parameters, to improve manufacturing productivity.


Risk aware Bayesian optimization with applications to adaptive control


Our goal is to develop novel algorithms for risk-aware Bayesian optimization and demonstrate them in a case study for high-precision linear drives requiring position accuracy and stability with less than 5 nm deviation. For this system, as for many other applications, it is crucial to optimize expected performance and ensure reliable outcomes.  We will develop computationally efficient algorithms trading expected performance with the variance in the outcome, considering risk measures on the optimization constraints, and compiling thi acquisition functions into neural network policies.

Risk aware Bayesian optimization with applications to adaptive control

Our goal is to develop novel algorithms for risk-aware Bayesian optimization and demonstrate them in a case study for high-precision linear drives requiring position accuracy and stability with less than 5 nm deviation. For this system, as for many other applications, it is crucial to optimize expected performance and ensure reliable outcomes.  We will develop computationally efficient algorithms trading expected performance with the variance in the outcome, considering risk measures on the optimization constraints, and compiling thi acquisition functions into neural network policies.
