Five students from ETH Zurich's Energy Science and Technology master's programme began work last week on a case study of the Swiss town of Sisslerfeld. The question of how the Sisslerfeld industrial zone and its neighbouring communities could become self-sufficient in terms of energy and CO2 neutrality by the year 2040 will occupy them for the next two semesters and will end in the summer of 2023.
Zurich, 27. January 2021. The new National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) "Dependable Ubiquitous Automation" has been launched - with the vision of strengthening Switzerland as one of the world's leading hubs for research, education and innovation in automation and control technology.
We are happy to announce that seven new industry collaboration projects will start in Phase II, leading to shared work that will bring our research into society. You can read details of the funded projects below.
Munther Dahleh (MIT) takes us from L1 control theory to agile robotic manoeuvres, abstractions, cascaded failures in networks, markets, and the role of data and systems thinking in solving societal problems. Don’t miss out!
Congratulations to new PhD student Fabian Böhm who was awarded the EHG-Prize by "Energie- und Hochspannungstechnische Gesellschaft an der RWTH Aachen e.V. " for his Master's thesis "Laboratory Implementation of Curative Flexibility Deployments in Distribution Grids Using Online Feedback Optimization".