NCCR Automation students design climate-neutral Sisslerfeld
Five students from ETH Zurich's Energy Science and Technology master's programme began work last week on a case study of the Swiss town of Sisslerfeld. The question of how the Sisslerfeld industrial zone and its neighbouring communities could become self-sufficient in terms of energy and CO2 neutrality by the year 2040 will occupy them for the next two semesters and will end in the summer of 2023.

How and if this ambitious goal can be achieved is the task that the canton has set for the Energy Science Center of ETH Zurich together with representatives of the municipalities as part of the development of the area.
The programme is funded by by the National Center of Competence in Research "Automation", a funding instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation, which sees long-term potential in the development of the Sisslerfeld area as a test site for new methods and technologies for the energy and transport sector.