#NCCRWomen: Rahel Rickenbach

Rahel Rickenbach is a PhD student at the Institute of Dynamic Systems and Control, at ETH Zurich.
Photo of Rahel

Why did you choose a scientific career? 

During most of my studies, I never thought of doing a PhD and always assumed that a job in industry would be a better fit for me. Given the fact that I had very few people in my surroundings (family or friends) that chose a scientific path, I didn’t know what my work as a PhD student would be, while my picture of a job in industry was quite clear. However, I always liked working on scientific projects during my studies and luckily after my master thesis, I got the opportunity to work as a research assistant for half a year. Gaining some further insights, I realised that focusing on specific research questions, deepening my knowledge in the respective area, and hopefully developing some working solutions, is what I want to do for the next few years.  

If you weren't a scientist, what would you be? 

Given my studies, I would probably work as robotics, control, or software engineer in a company.  

What do you like to do outside the lab? 

Besides spending time with friends at the lake or cooking together, I like being active. Regarding a specific activity, I am not very picky. From volleyball, swimming, or hiking in summer, to snowboarding in winter... As long as there is movement involved, I’m in!     

What is the worst thing about your chosen career path? 

Patience is not my strongest skill. However, working on complex problems, there might be periods when you are stuck, do not make much progress and none of your approaches appear to work. For me, those are the times when I really must remind myself that this is part of the job. Thankfully, the moment when you solve the issue is even more rewarding.  

What would you like to say to your younger self about a scientific career? 

Look into it: it might be an unexpected fit! 

We are sharing profiles of women researchers within NCCR Automation as part of the #NCCRWomen campaign. You can find out more about the campaign on YouTubeTwitter or Instagram