We develop new methods, system architectures and algorithms that process vast amounts of data from the physical world, and use them to determine reliable and effective decisions for regulation and control.

To put the new automation and control concepts into practice, we integrate them into scalable overall systems, and develop hardware concepts and computer-aided approaches to, among others, protect the systems from cyberattacks.

Building on the theoretical principles that we have established, we develop integrated solutions to fully automate energy systems – from individual households through to grid control centres. As part of this effort, we also aim to deploy a fully automated energy network in a municipality or neighbourhood in Switzerland (or so-called moon-shot project), and to test it in real-life conditions.

To cope with the rising demand for mobility, the current transportation system must be improved, and be made more efficient and robust. We design concepts and components for automating multimodal mobility systems, as well as individual applications in specific transport sectors.

In the manufacturing industry, automation and digitalisation (often referred to as Industry 4.0) have been an important topic for years, with many companies taking steps in this direction. Working together with partners from industry, we are exploiting the potential of the advanced control technology developed in the NCCR to optimise automated production steps and additive manufacturing systems.
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