Amin Rezaeizadeh

Amin Rezaeizadeh
Senior Scientist
Automatic Control System Design is an Art, and I love Art!
Amin Rezaeizadeh received the MSc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from ETH Zurich, in 2012 and 2016 respectively. In 2016 – 2023 he was an assistant professor at the au-tomatic control group of the Electrical Engineering Department of Sharif University of Technolo-gy, Iran. From 2017 to 2023, Amin has been the founder and CTO of the Nove company, active in developing innovative software & hardware solutions for automation industry. He is currently a Senior Scientist at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts (FHNW) in Windisch. His research interests include control systems theory and application, convex optimization, estimation theory and system identification.