Luca Furieri

It is a unique opportunity to be working at the very intersection of control theory, optimization and machine learning.
Luca Furieri is a postdoctoral researcher at the Automatic Control Laboratory, EPFL - Lausanne, working in the DECODE group with Prof. Giancarlo Ferrari Trecate. In September 2020, he received a Ph.D. degree in Control and Optimization from ETH - Zurich in the Automatic Control Laboratory (IfA) under the supervision of Prof. Maryam Kamgarpour. Previously, he received the Bachelor and Master degrees in Automation Engineering from the University of Bologna, both with honours, in 2014 and 2016 respectively. Luca's research interests lie in the broad areas of learning and optimal control for distributed decision making and safety critical applications.
Since finishing with NCCR Automation, Luca has taken up at Ambizione fellowship position at EPFL.